Pretty printing of git commit history
Helpful git logging aliases
Helpful aliases for viewing git commit history: logg, logga, loggs, loggsa, logd, logda, logdr, and logdra.
The aliases combine to utilize the same set of flags in different combinations:
--color: | show colored |
--graph: | text-based graphical representation of the commit history |
--date-order: | show no parents before all of its children are shown |
--decorate: | print out the ref names (branches/tags) of any commits that are shown. |
--oneline: | single line per commit with shortened commit SHA |
--simplify-by-decoration: | |
show only commits that are referred to by a branch or tag | |
--all: | show all commits |
--date=relative (%ar): | |
shows dates relative to the current time, e.g. "2 hours ago" |
Git Config Aliases
[alias] #quick look at all repo loggsa = log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate --simplify-by-decoration --all #quick look at active branch (or refs pointed) loggs = log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate --simplify-by-decoration #extend look at all repo logga = log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate --all #extend look at active branch logg = log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate #Look with date logda = log --color --date-order --date=local --graph --format=\"%C(auto)%h%Creset %C(blue bold)%ad%Creset %C(auto)%d%Creset %s\" --all logd = log --color --date-order --date=local --graph --format=\"%C(auto)%h%Creset %C(blue bold)%ad%Creset %C(auto)%d%Creset %s\" #Look with relative date logdra = log --color --date-order --graph --format=\"%C(auto)%h%Creset %C(blue bold)%ar%Creset %C(auto)%d%Creset %s\" --all logdr = log --color --date-order --graph --format=\"%C(auto)%h%Creset %C(blue bold)%ar%Creset %C(auto)%d%Creset %s\"
Simple single line per commit printing of current branch:
$ git logg -n 5 * 8062af6 (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml * 9a600fd (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title * feaa32a (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * 6b2746e Update repo to use new submodules - Change pelican conf to point to new theme - Migrate gitlab-ci to use submodules - Rename reqs.txt to requirements.txt * d1408c6 Add plugins and themes as submodules
Single line printing of all commits:
$ git logga -n 5 * 8062af6 (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml | * 1662f36 (origin/new-post) POST: Pretty printing json and xml |/ * 9a600fd (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title | * e4300c7 (heroku/master, heroku) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * | feaa32a (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme
Single line printing of commits with decoration (branches, tags, etc.):
$ git loggs -n 5 * 8062af6 (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml * 9a600fd (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title * feaa32a (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * f7fc76b (origin/old-theme, old-theme) Tags are multicolumn * 4846adf Initial Commit
Single line printing of commits with decoration (branches, tags, etc.) from all commits:
$ git loggsa -n 5 * 8062af6 (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml | * 1662f36 (origin/new-post) POST: Pretty printing json and xml |/ * 9a600fd (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title | * e4300c7 (heroku/master, heroku) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * | feaa32a (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme |/
Single line printing of commits on current branch with date included:
$ git logd -n 5 * 8062af6 Thu Oct 6 23:09:23 2016 (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml * 9a600fd Thu Oct 6 22:54:59 2016 (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title * feaa32a Tue Sep 13 01:09:37 2016 (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * 6b2746e Sun Oct 2 20:10:38 2016 Update repo to use new submodules - Change pelican conf to point to new theme - Migrate gitlab-ci to use submodules - Rename reqs.txt to requirements.txt * d1408c6 Sun Oct 2 18:48:51 2016 Add plugins and themes as submodules
Single line printing of all commits with date included:
$ git logda -n 5 * 8062af6 Thu Oct 6 23:09:23 2016 (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml | * 1662f36 Thu Oct 6 23:09:23 2016 (origin/new-post) POST: Pretty printing json and xml |/ * 9a600fd Thu Oct 6 22:54:59 2016 (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title | * e4300c7 Tue Sep 13 01:09:37 2016 (heroku/master, heroku) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * | feaa32a Tue Sep 13 01:09:37 2016 (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme
Single line printing of commits on current branch with relative date included:
$ git logdr -n 5 * 8062af6 45 minutes ago (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml * 9a600fd 59 minutes ago (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title * feaa32a 3 weeks ago (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * 6b2746e 4 days ago Update repo to use new submodules - Change pelican conf to point to new theme - Migrate gitlab-ci to use submodules - Rename reqs.txt to requirements.txt * d1408c6 4 days ago Add plugins and themes as submodules
Single line printing of all commits with relative date included:
$ git logdra -n 5 * 8062af6 44 minutes ago (HEAD -> master) POST: Pretty printing json and xml | * 1662f36 44 minutes ago (origin/new-post) POST: Pretty printing json and xml |/ * 9a600fd 58 minutes ago (origin/update-post, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Capitalize blog post title | * e4300c7 3 weeks ago (heroku/master, heroku) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme * | feaa32a 3 weeks ago (search) Install tipue search - Adding basics for search - Install beautifulsoup (required for plugin) - Update to latest theme
Commands for setting aliases
To quickly set a few of the aliases on a unfamiliar computer:
git config --global alias.logg 'log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate' git config --global alias.logga 'log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate --all' git config --global alias.loggs 'log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate --simplify-by-decoration' git config --global alias.loggsa 'log --color --date-order --graph --oneline --decorate --simplify-by-decoration --all'
External sites
my gitconfig: | |
stackoverflow discussion: | | | |
another similar gitconfig: | | |